Incêndio na casa de repouso Alexian Village, no Tennessee, provavelmente causado por um raio, 450 residentes evacuados, sem feridos. Fire at Alexian Village retirement home in Tennessee likely caused by lightning, 450 residents evacuated, no injuries.
Um incêndio eclodiu na casa de repouso Alexian Village em Signal Mountain, Tennessee, provavelmente causado por um raio durante fortes tempestades. A fire broke out at the Alexian Village retirement home on Signal Mountain, Tennessee, likely caused by a lightning strike during strong thunderstorms. O incêndio ocorreu no refeitório e no prédio da cozinha principal, com 450 moradores evacuados por precaução. The fire occurred in the dining hall and main kitchen building, with 450 residents evacuated as a precaution. Os bombeiros controlaram o incêndio às 10h45, não houve relatos de feridos e a energia foi restaurada às 11h30. Firefighters had the fire under control by 10:45 a.m., no injuries were reported, and power was restored by 11:30 a.m. Fire officials are investigating the cause of the fire.